Comparison versus Compassion
Mar 20, 2024
Comparison suffocates compassion.
We forget that we’re all the same–human beings, made in God’s image, hungry for love, searching for truth, and longing for grace. Instead of extending that grace and love to each other–we compare, we envy, and we tear down.
Yes, we can’t truly love one another as scripture commands until we escape from comparison's lair.
How can we love the woman whom we secretly “hate” because she’s skinnier, more successful or more beautiful? We can’t. At least not until we stop seeing her as an object.
The good news is, it also works the opposite way. Compassion can suffocate comparison.
If you’re tired of comparing yourself to others, and want to be free from this life-robbing habit. Ask God for eyes of compassion.
Ask him to show you the ways others struggle and suffer in silence. Beg him to grow your heart in love for others.
A few years ago, I did this. He answered my prayer. I’ll tell you, I cry more now than I ever did before. Yes. But, I’ve also found great freedom from the habit of comparing myself to others too.
Pin this to remind yourself. Compassion, not comparison.
Need more encouragement? Check out Heather's books here, or her online course and coaching program here. You can also give the Compared to Who? podcast a listen, for twice-weekly encouragement with body image struggles from a Christian standpoint, where she explores all the nitty-gritty details we all face when struggling with body image woes and how to get free.
Tired of fighting your body image issues alone? Do you know that you're "fearfully and wonderfully made," yet still feel like your body isn't good enough?
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