Dear 2017: A Poem
Mar 19, 2024
When I sat down to write this, I fully intended to write a deep, authentic, well-written, full-length post, like the ones typically seen on Compared to Who? But everything I drafted sounded like I was at a job interview wearing pinchy shoes, so I tossed them. Sometimes a poem will jump into my head when I’m supposed to be doing something else–like paying attention to the crosswalk light. “Dear 2017” jumped into my head a few days later as I faced the new year and toyed with my age old resolution to lose half my bodyweight in 365 days. I was idly thinking about how my bed complains when I sit on it and how I weigh twice as much as the young man I currently have a crush on when I caught myself. The most important thing about me is that I am LOVED by Jesus—fat or not, salad-loving runner girl (props to you, ladies) or not. I want that to be the thing I notice most about myself. It’s not true yet, but it’s truer than it was this time last year; Jesus is awesome and He changes people. Hence “Dear 2017”. Enjoy and be reminded you are LOVED, even when you forget you are. – Sharon-Rose
perhaps you may have noticed
I’ve recently begun using the word
to myself, about myself
with a smile
I am working hard
to scratch away this shame:
always yes I am fat
but also always yes
I am fabulous
you may have seen
I have begun wearing
the things I want to wear
for example
I bought a pink cowboy hat
from a costume shop last fall
and every time I wear it
I feel brave
dear 2017
you cannot stop me
from learning to stand straight
in this body
you cannot stop me
from learning to be whole
in this body
I understand you will make me forget
that I have opened my hands
and discarded the timeworn insecurities
that I used to fold between my fingers
I accept you will succeed in reminding me
of all the names
I used to wear etched into my skin
but then a sunrise
a smile
or a sermon will happen
and I will remember:
dear 2017
consider this a last and formal warning
I have evicted shame
I have filed a restraining order against fear
and I have let LOVE buy property
oh and I rejoice to tell you
you cannot stop me
Sharon-Rose Piwang and her three three jazzy-awesome siblings were raised in East Africa by a superhero mother. Her closest friend used to be Jo March from “Little Women”, but she’s getting better at friendships with humans. She likes purple, napping, cheeseburgers, poetry, libraries, housecleaning, imagining she’s in Glee music videos, trying to be dignified and mysterious, writing about herself in third person, hyphens, and long list-sentences. She is a follower of Christ who is extremely glad the Gospel means she doesn’t have to pretend her Christian walk is more cute and less messy than it is.
Need more encouragement? Check out Heather's books here, or her online course and coaching program here. You can also give the Compared to Who? podcast a listen, for twice-weekly encouragement with body image struggles from a Christian standpoint, where she explores all the nitty-gritty details we all face when struggling with body image woes and how to get free.
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