Five Ways to Pick a Health Coach or New Health Plan [Podcast Transcript]
Jan 12, 2025
Title: Five Ways to Pick a Health Coach or New Health Plan
Podcast Date: December 27, 2024
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It's that time of year when everyone's looking to do something new to improve their health. Heather's here to help. Here are her five tips for not falling into the trap of another diet culture gimmick or starting a plan in January that you'll have to stop three weeks later. If you truly want to improve your health in 2025, these are some thought-provoking and wise considerations to mull over before signing with a new health coach or singing up for a new health or diet plan. Heather encourages you to not pursue any plan that is going to have to consume your life (Hint: it's not sustainable). She also encourages you to be on the lookout for programs that make promises they can't keep or don't help you develop a healthier relationship with food, your body, or God.
You'll want to listen to learn more about why programs that make you eat their food, give you a timeline for weight loss, or use out-of-context Christian scriptures to support your weight loss goals may not be a good fit for your health journey.
Learn more about the 40 Day Journey, a six week group program to help you start your body image freedom journey, here:
Learn more about Compared to Who? and Heather Creekmore here:
Learn more about Heather's books and resources here:
Disclaimer: This transcript is AI-generated and has not been edited for accuracy or clarity.
Testimony [00:00:04]:
The 40 day body image workbook is gold even all by itself. But to have the privilege of going through it with Heather in person, so to speak, it's impossible to capture the benefit of doing that, but, of course, I wanna try. Heather's compassion, understanding, her expertise, and, of course, her humor comes through the book just fine, but all the more when you get to be with her and a group of dozens of others in a Zoom setting. The on the fly extra stories she shares that didn't make it into the book really bring home the truth that much more. It is just wonderful to participate and feel like you're in on the inside scoop. Heather is so totally relatable and real. She instills hope and confidence for anyone on this journey to have a more peaceful body image. I would love to be in this group again.
It was a wonderful experience. Thanks, Heather.
Hey. And thank you, friend, for that great endorsement of the 40 day journey, which starts January 7th. Well, hey, friends. I hope you had a great Christmas. I am here to wish you a happy New Year, and I'm popping in now this week before the official start of the new year to offer some friendly wisdom and guidance on a topic that maybe you are noodling over, which is how do I get healthier in 2025? Okay. This show is dedicated to helping you improve your body image. But as many of you know, on my own body image journey, I've gone from having an undiagnosed eating disorder to being more in the diets don't work camp to going all in with something called intuitive eating. But I want you to know that I understand that where I am on my journey may not be where you are on your journey.
It took several years after God healed my body image issues for him to touch my messed up relationship with food. And I get this disclaimer for a very important reason. Some of you are hearing the title of this episode and being triggered. Wait. What? Heather wants me to find a weight loss plan. What? No. Please don't misunderstand. I'm not recommending that you find a weight loss or health plan.
But I'm a realist. It's January, and I know that you might be looking for 1. You might be googling 1. You might be dabbling, entertaining the idea of finding 1. So consider this a resource for those of you who feel like you must do something in January. You may feel uncertain, awkward, or even unnerved if you don't have something to do this January. I get it. I see you.
I've been there, and so this is how I want to help. And that's where we're going today. Now, of course, my first recommendation is that you join us on the 40 day journey. It's by far the most affordable option for any program you're gonna find to do in January. It starts January 7th. It's $49, and it's 6 weeks of essentially group coaching for you, plus connection with other women on the same journey. It's all virtual via Zoom, but I do have limited seats in that. I can't take probably more than 50 per call.
So go to improve body image. Dotcom. Look for the 40 day journey tab. Sign up. Reserve your spot there. I think that's the number one thing you can do to start on a new journey this year. But, just know all meetings are recorded. So if you're looking at it, you're like, oh, I'm gonna miss this Tuesday or that Tuesday, They're all recorded.
You can catch up by watching them virtually later. But being there, showing up to be part of the live sessions, it's really where something special happens. When you can ask your live questions and hear other women ask their questions and they're sharing about the same struggles that you have too, that's when you realize this isn't a you problem. Others are having the exact same thoughts and feelings, and then that's when you find help and hope. So join us there. Also, I'm doing a free webinar. So if you just wanna kinda see what it might be like, Thursday, January 2nd, coming right up, I'm gonna talk more about this topic of finding health in 2025. So go to improve body
You can sign up for that too. Let's go. Welcome to Compare to Who, the podcast to help you make peace with your body so you can savor God's rest and feel his love. If you're tired of fighting body image the world's way, Compare to Who is the show for you. You've likely heard lots of talk about loving your body, but my goal is different. Striving to fall in love with stretch marks and cellulite is a little silly to me. Instead, I want to encourage you and remind you with the truth of scripture that you are seen, you are known, and you are loved no matter what your size or shape. Here, the pressure is off.
If you're looking for real talk, biblical encouragement, and regular reminders that God loves you and you're not alone, you've come to the right place. I hope you enjoy today's show, and, hey, tell a friend about it. Hey, friend. Well, Heather Creekmore here. I'm glad you're here. We're talking about 5 things to look for in a health coach or health slash weight loss program. Now, honestly, I've been thinking long and hard about this for a while because the pursuit of health in and of itself is not bad. It's not idolatrous in and of itself.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to get healthier. It is a good goal. And yet many of us with body image issues have turned it into an idolatrous goal. We've turned it into the main thing. And one of the problems that we face in January is the pressure all around us to go back to making it the main thing to making it what our lives revolve around. And so as I've thought about, okay, if if I'm someone who just wants to have healthier habits, I I feel like I need to improve my health. There's some things I can tighten up there, but I don't want it to take over my life. What are five things I should look for as I am following people on Instagram or going so far as to hire a health coach or signing up for a weight loss or health program.
So that's what I have for you today. And number 1 is no timelines. Okay. Now listen. I know you want a timeline. I know you want someone to promise you that you'll be down x number of pounds in x number of days. Like, I get the desire there. But friend, it never works out that way.
We have real bodies and all of our bodies are different. And it's these deadlines, these timelines, these expectations, these little short windows where we, like, burst into doing something awesome, and then we fall out of it again. It's these deadlines and timelines that keep us stuck in that on and off on and off that on and off again diet slash healthy habits cycle. Any health goal you set in 2025 should be sustainable forever. Otherwise, you're going on a program or maybe a diet that you are sure to go off of. Friend, if you can't not eat that food for the rest of your life, then you've set to black and white of a health goal. Your program is not sustainable. It's not realistic.
And if your program promises that you'll have x number of pounds lost in x number of days, I suggest you run fast. Everybody is different. And there's a good chance that in order to keep that promise of those results, they're gonna have to ask you to do things that aren't sustainable for life. They're gonna tell you you only have to do this for a short season, and then you can go back to doing other things. But the results are gonna go away when you go back to doing those other things. Now a lot of us feel pressure to lose weight because of all the data out there that scares us into believing higher weight necessitates heart issues, diabetes, etcetera. Right? And I wanna just shed some light today. I'm not here to argue about the validity of those studies, but I think what's missing in those studies is taking into account something called weight cycling.
And there's been other studies on this topic. But weight cycling these other studies show is what really connects to heart issues, diabetes, etcetera, more so than just having a higher weight that stays constant even or within, you know, 20, £30. Even if that higher weight is higher than your BMI is supposed to be or whatever metric you're using. Weight cycling is what happens when we go on the diet and off the diet. It's losing £15 to gain back 20. And many of us have lived our lives this way. We've done this over and over again, and it's very, very hard on our bodies, which is why it connects to all these health issues that we're afraid of. It's hard on your endocrine system.
It's hard on your thyroid, which is part of your endocrine system. It's hard on your body because a lot of times when you lose that weight in that unsustainable quick way, you're actually losing muscle. And so you lose weight fast, but you're losing muscle and you're slowing down your metabolism, and then your burning power after you've lost the weight slows down because your metabolism has slowed down because you don't have the muscle mass. Okay, friends. I'm not a doctor, but it's easy to see how starving your body and then eating all the things and then starving your body again, and then eating all the things is not good for you physically or mentally. So I dig into some of the science and some of the research in the 40 day body image workbook. If you don't have that book yet, go grab it because I talk all about this. But it's important to understand this before you go looking for a new health coach or health program.
Find one where the person, the people in charge, the program, they want to help you make changes to your lifestyle to promote better health without a time line, without goals of you will lose x amount of weight by x date. Again, wherever those time lines exist, I promise you, you're gonna be invited into something that's unsustainable. Okay. Remember the tortoise and the hare. Who wins that race? It's the tortoise. Right? But we want to be hares. We want to sprint to the finish and get the body results so that we can rest and just be done. But friend, we all know that doesn't work.
Wouldn't it be better to incorporate one new healthy habit every 2 weeks, and then sustain those healthy habits all year versus going on another crash program, getting your, quote, unquote, great results in February, only to be back to your old habits by March and have all the results gone by April. Friend, this is the way it works. But if you introduced a new healthy habit every 2 weeks, you could introduce, get this, 26 new healthy habits this year. Okay. That's a lot. You probably don't need 26 new healthy habits. Okay? So let's back it up a bit. What if you introduced a new habit every 21 days? Some people say it takes 21 days to start a new habit.
That would be 17 new habits to start through the year that you could sustain, hopefully, for life. You could spend the 1st 21 days of the year focused on just drinking enough water, and then the next 21 days focused on getting 15 minutes of joyful movement every day, and then add a goal 21 days later, like an additional vegetable at each meal, or slow that down and add 21 days of an additional vegetable at lunch and then 21 days of an additional vegetable at dinner. Friend, you can make it gentle. You can go slow and you can find real results. Now let's get honest. We don't like gentle because we've been taught to be hard on ourselves. We believe that being gentle is being soft and it doesn't work. And we can't trust ourselves to be gentle with ourselves, so we have to beat ourselves into submission in order to get the results we want.
But, friend, that's just a lie. I think about other areas of your life. Like, is is it really effective as a manager to try to beat your team into submission? How about in parenting? Right? If you're trying to constantly berate your child into being the kind of child you want them to be, does that work? Or have you found it more effective to use some kindness in your motivation, some encouragement to not expect change overnight because you understand change takes time. Right? Being a bully, even to yourself, will not work. Be kind. Be gentle. You want to love your body well, like my friend Amy says, not hate your body into something that maybe you can someday love. Like, friend, that doesn't even make sense.
So if you found a program or coach that has a timeline, deadlines, and promises results by x date, I suggest you run. I'll be right back with the other 4 tips right after this quick break. Okay. Strategy 2, another thing to look for as you choose a health coach or a health program is do not choose one where you can only eat their food to get their results. It's just not sustainable. And to me, this should probably be the biggest red flag of all because, like I said, you can never sustain this. Now I know that they'll probably tell you you only have to eat their food for a short season, but I've been watching dieters, diet plans, and the people who do them for decades now. And here's what I see and what I know.
What happens is a dependency develops where there is a belief that you need to eat the diet food, quote, unquote, in order to get the results. So you are on the diet when you eat the diet food and you lose the weight. But then life happens, and you get stressed or you run out of money, and you go off the diet and you go back to eating regular food and the way you used to eat before the diet, because that's your default mode. You go back to the habits that you're used to, and then you believe that in order to change your body again, you have to go back on the diet and you have to eat the diet food in order to get those results again. And that is what we talked about just a couple of minutes ago, friends. That is the weight cycling that is so bad for your body. Even if you land at a smaller place, the damage is there. So I'd say if your goal is to be healthy for the long term, you want to live healthier life, recognize that you can't pay $400 a month in diet special bar shake food in order to have that for life.
Let's be honest, friend. The diet company's expensive foods, they're not great for you even if they have some good ingredients. They're processed foods. Any bar or shake that you eat from a package is a food that has been processed for your convenience. So in developing a dependency on these foods, you're not really learning how to eat better. You're instead learning how to only eat these specific, very expensive foods, which I think leads to, and this is the way it was for me, this fear of real food, like instead of developing and learning how to develop a healthy relationship with food, you just become increasingly afraid of regular food. And every time you want to get healthy, you have to go back to this processed safe food. I wrote more about this in the 40 day body image workbook as well, but this was totally my story.
I had become so dependent on bars and shakes. I believed that they helped me control my weight and stay thin, and I knew I was always being healthy as long as I only ate my bars and my shakes. Like, I was afraid to grab a banana or an apple, but I would grab a bar or have my premix shake all the time. I was not free around food. And you know what else I was? I was always hungry, and I was missing nutrients because I ate the same bars and shakes every single day. And then I would end up bingeing later on things like chocolate because my body was starving after only having unsatisfying bars and shakes all day. And then all afternoon and evening long, I would just be trying to eat all the things to make up for it. And I would feel bad about that, but yet feel like maybe it balanced out because I'd only had bars and shakes all day.
Friends, that's not a healthy relationship with food. And I'd encourage you, if that's what you want, if you truly want to be healthier in 2025, seek the kind of relationship with food where you can eat real food all the time and learn how to fuel your body in a way that feels good to your unique body without the crutch of these very expensive, processed, special foods. I'm so glad I broke free from this. I feel so much better physically, mentally, even spiritually since I allowed myself to start eating real food again. Like, every once in a while, I'll grab a bar, but they almost disgust me now. Like, I recognize just how much more satisfied I am eating something real instead of just snacking all day on my diet foods and then eating all evening because I was so ravenously hungry. So, friend, if the program you're investigating suggests that you get healthier by only eating their foods or by mostly eating their foods or depending on their foods, run. Run fast.
Okay. Number 3. I think any health coach or health program you look at for this year needs to be able to fit into your regular life without taking over everything. Now maybe you've experienced this, maybe you haven't. I would say one example that I see a lot is in the CrossFit community. I dabbled in the CrossFit community for a little while, but a lot of CrossFit communities have their own kind of meal provider or their own set of, guidelines around meal prep. And so what I observed was women who had to be very religious about, of course, attending CrossFit sessions, but then also had to be very diligent about their meal prep. And so they would spend hours and hours and hours meal prepping and then, you know, they couldn't, like, eat with the family or go out to eat and eat regular food because they had to only eat what was designated for them to eat as a part of their meal prep.
And what I saw was that these friends, these women I knew would get super into it and it would just take over their lives. Right? Like, that would be the number one thing. Right? Like, I can't do this because I've got to eat this, or I can't do this because I can't miss this workout. Right? It became priority numero uno. Taking care of their body, trying to get their body more fit, healthier was their top priority. Now, let me be clear. Thing 1, right, that's again, we're back to being unsustainable. But I would say anything that takes over your life doesn't actually make you healthier.
Right? That's kind of unhealthy. Now, like, there's nothing wrong with food prep. Like, that's fine if you wanna prep your food ahead. But if you can't spend time with your children on Sunday because Sunday is food prepping day, and you spend all day doing it, like, that's an issue, my friend. Like, if you can't make it to bible study because, like, it's gonna meet the same time as your Pilates class and you've gotta choose 1, you're gonna choose your body over, like, spiritual health, like, that's probably an issue too. If you can't live your regular life and add to it health promoting behaviors, like, then you've found a program that wants to take over your life. If the only way to do it is 100% or what did they say? Like, 110%, like all in, like my health goals become my life and I've got to fit my regular life around my health goals. Friend, that is a problem.
The mission for your life is not to get a healthy, fit body. That cannot be your mission. Your mission has to be to do what God commands. And what does he command? Well, first of all, he commands that we love him and that we love others. Caring for your body has to come behind those goals. And if your health goals keep you from loving God and loving others well, then your health goals are no longer God honoring spiritually healthy goals. Instead, I'd say more likely you're falling into the category of someone who loves their life and is trying to save it. Well, Jesus asked us to love Him and lay down our lives.
You cannot make, quote unquote, being a good steward of your body, the reason you live, if that's all you're accomplishing, if all I've accomplished is stewarding my body well, Oh, you, we really have to do a reality check, my friend. Like, being a good steward of your body isn't even a command in scripture. You know that, right? Like, there's not a Bible verse that tells you to be a good steward of your body. While there are dozens and dozens and dozens of verses that tell you how to love others well, to exhort others, to meet with others, to spread the gospel. Friend, yes, okay, we should take care of our bodies because they are a good gift from God. But let's not get confused about what our main purpose is here in this life. I had a conversation with someone last week. It was a coaching client.
And one of the concerns that we talk about frequently in my coaching sessions with with her and really with everyone is this concept of fear. Really, it's fear about whether or not you can still be a good steward of your body if you're not prioritizing your health in the same way that maybe you did when you had a pot image issues. Right? And so this particular client, she was worried. She's, like, but I've stopped, like, exercising so hard, and I'm not following my diet plan anymore. And she felt like maybe she was being lazy. And she actually worried that maybe she was disobeying God and not being a good steward of her body. And so, I straight up asked her how many people she shared the gospel with last month. And then I asked her if she was staying up late at night worrying about not sharing the gospel enough.
Friend, you can see where I was going there. It's kind of a stark example, but I hope it rattles us back into reality. Right? If you are more worried about stewarding your body well than you are about doing the things that God has actually commanded you to do, oh, friends, that's not healthy. You cannot let body stewardship become your kingdom purpose because it is not your kingdom purpose. You can pursue health so you can be fit to serve, but you cannot make health or fitness or attaining a certain body size or size tagging your genes, you can't make that your primary life's goal. This is idolatry. So when you're looking for a health coach or a new program, if it doesn't fit into your regular life without taking over everything, It's not going to ultimately be a healthy program for you. I'm gonna say mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and then ultimately, physically as well.
If you get chastised for having a real life or real friends or real things to go to that aren't related to health and fitness, friend, it's not gonna lead to greater holistic health. Okay. Number 4. Okay. Here we go. For those of you looking for a Christian health coach or a Christian health or weight loss plan, here is a big huge red flag I want you to watch out for. Look for health coaches or plans that do not conflate scripture to be about your weight loss or health goals. Oh, I know.
I know. I see this so much. But friend, the Bible is God's story about how he has worked and continues to work through history. It is the story of him and not the story of you. It is written for you, but it is not written about you. The Bible is not a self esteem manual. And so conflating things like the verse in Philippians, I can do all things through Christ, as a workout verse, I did a whole episode on this, or the passage where Paul talks about running the race as, like, a biblical justification for why you should exercise hard. Friend, this is not what the Bible is about.
I've also heard, oh goodness, I've heard, like, Eve's temptation of eating the apple, like, spun into, like, weight loss language about how we're all tempted to eat like she was. Like, from that's not what that's about. You cannot compare Eve's temptation to disobey God and to really doubt that God was good enough and being tempted by the serpent in eating the apple that has nothing to do with food issues, friend. Like, this is pretty messed up. And so if you were following someone on Instagram or Facebook or thinking about signing up for a program where they use bible verses out of context to justify the plan, Fran, again, run. Run fast. Put on your fastest shoes and run. I heard, 2 popular weight loss plan influencers on a podcast months ago talking about the verse, like, put off the old man and put on the new man as a justification for getting surgery after weight loss to remove extra skin.
My friend, putting off the old man and putting on the new is about sanctification and becoming a new creation in Christ where you put up the old man, the old sinful nature, and you put on the new nature, which wants to imitate Jesus in his holiness. That has nothing to do with weight loss surgery. Friend. That's gross. It's distorted. It's messed up. It makes me gag. The Bible was not written as a book to support your hashtag body goals.
God's holy word is not your weight loss manual. It's your how to become more like Jesus manual. And there's not even a mandated scripture about what you should weigh. God doesn't set a goal weight for you or a health goal for you in his word. So please do not use his word to push your agenda. My friend, dietitian Amy Carlson, she was on the podcast. It was either last year or the beginning of this year talking about how this is really what it means to take god's name in vain. Right? We think that taking god's name in vain is just swearing.
Right? But she talked about how vain it is to put god's name on a diet program. It almost sneakily kinda looks like God endorsed the program once you stamp a Bible verse on it. But God didn't. He doesn't. Even if it's a great plan, God isn't in the weight loss plan endorsement business. Please do not attempt to diminish the power and truth of God's word in this way. And if you're tempted to buy something just because someone used a bible verse and so it feels like it's a Christian program, buyer beware. You're being manipulated in this.
Finally, number 5, there's an equal focus on your spiritual and mental health as there is on your physical health. So I tried to be physically healthy for decades without ever worrying about my mental or spiritual health. In some ways, I kinda thought I could fool everyone into believing that I was super healthy just because my body looked that way. But the truth is, I used my body as armor to shield you from getting too close so that I could protect the secret of how much shame and insecurity I felt. My, quote, unquote, good body became the armor that would help keep you away. It would help all of my secrets inside stay safe. And I severely misunderstood what true health was. I thought health meant being thin, and that being thinner meant being healthier.
But the truth is, I had to take a nap every day because I didn't have the energy to make it through the whole day without one. Now I see that's because I exercise too much and I didn't eat enough. And when I started changing my eating and exercise habits, I started to feel more energy, and I actually became healthier by doing less, doing fewer of the things that I previously believed were making me healthier. Figure that one out. In fact, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroid disease at age 40. And when I started doing intuitive eating and exercising less, my Hashimoto's went away. I was able to think more clearly. I was in a better mood more often.
I was less anxious. Oh, friend. Eating real food is how our bodies were designed, and there is such a thing as too much exercise. There's also such a thing as too much focus on your health. If you are afraid of losing your health, if you spend lots of time fearing what's going to happen to your health, if you are obsessed with maintaining your health, if thoughts of your health dominate your day, Friend, the ultimate irony is that's not healthy. You need to be free to live your life and obsessing over physical health is not that freedom. Instead, I would encourage you, get your eyes off your physical body. There you're limited in your ability to protect your physical health.
I I hope you know that. Right? Sure. You can do some good things, some health promoting behaviors, but we're super limited. I can't tell my thyroid to go faster. Right? Like, I can't tell my stomach to process things, but, like, there are things we can do, but then there are things that we just can't do. At the end of the day, we're in bodies that are breaking down. They weren't meant to last forever, and so they won't. You have a 100% chance of dying because your physical body will fail.
Isn't that an upper for this New Year's week? But seriously, friend, you've got a life to live. There's things God has called you to do. He made you on purpose for his purpose. He gave you gifts and talents, and he put people in your life, and he's given you a story. Use it. Don't waste your life trying to be physically healthy at the expense of living your life. And friend, the more that you are able to focus on growing spiritually, the more I believe you will start to feel mentally healthier. And I believe that that will lead to greater physical health.
When you feel spiritually and mentally healthier. I think there's more joy that comes with exercise or joyful movements. Right? You, when you've got things to do and you feel peaceful on the inside, you're not as likely to just sit on the couch and watch Netflix and snack all day. You've got things to do. You've got a purpose. You've got energy that comes from knowing that you have a calling, that you're important, that there's people depending on you who need you. Often, we find joy when we're serving, when we're doing exactly what we were called to do, what we were made to do. It excites us.
It energizes us. And that helps our relationship with food in our bodies because we're able to take our focus off of those things and focus on our real lives, what God has for us. So, friend, if the program you're looking at only wants you to be physically healthier and doesn't talk about the implications of spiritual and mental health, I don't think it's a good program. I think it's missing the whole picture of you as a whole being. You're not just a body. You are so much more than just a body. Okay, friend. That's 5 things I probably should have called it 5 things to avoid when looking for a health coach or health program.
But here's 5 things I think you need to look out for. Again, you can set some health goals for sure in 2025. I'm gonna talk about that. And the webinar I'm doing this Thursday, January 2nd, I'm offering it twice. You can sign up at improve body image dot com if you want a spot in that. There are ways that we can focus on our health, but we can't make it an idol. It can't take over our lives, and we've gotta be real about what we're signing up for when we look at some of these programs and whether or not they'll actually help our health or maybe they'll help us lose weight, but destroy our health, physical, mental, spiritual, and otherwise in the process. So buyer, beware.
Hey, friend. I'm glad you're here today. I hope you are too. Join us on the 40 day journey we start next week. I want you there because this kind of health that I'm talking about, it's freedom. It's not bondage. And it feels so much better than any amount of weight loss ever could. Hey.
Thanks for being here today. I hope something today has helped you stop comparing and start living. If you want more, go to improve body risk dot com. I've got more than 400 podcast episodes now, hundreds of blog posts, lots of great resources, my books, all kinds of things to help you be healthier in 2025. The compared to podcast is proud to be part of the Life Audio Podcast Network. For more great Christian podcasts, go to life audio dot com.
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