Should Christians Get Boob Jobs?
Nov 28, 2023
“I want to get them done.” Annie confessed. “I mean, I really want to get them done. I’m obsessed with the idea.”
“Ok.” I replied simply. “Do you know why?”
“Well, I don’t look the same as I did before nursing. There’s nothing there anymore. I know I’d feel better about my body if they were bigger.”
Part of that seemed reasonable to me. I put in four solid years of breastfeeding. I knew what she meant. Exactly.
Within forty-eight hours, another friend asked me the same question via Facebook. “Is it okay to get a boob job? Is there a Gospel answer to this question?”
Seriously? Is there some clearance sale on breast augmentations in Dallas? (Chances are no, but according to this article they are a top graduation gift this month all over Texas!)
Is confidence found in a size C, D, or DD? That’s what I want to know.
You see, I was bra shopping a few weeks ago and I spotted a special tag attached to one style. It caught my attention because it read: “Ego boost.” These two words reinforced something I find quite ironic in our era. Apparently, one’s “ego” is located inside her brassiere.
Why isn’t the women’s movement outraged by this? Women can be educated, successful at work, thriving in roles as mothers or wives. But, a woman’s identity, value, worth and “ego” are somehow connected to the size of her ta-tas?
The saddest thing is I’m afraid we are too busy believing it to effectively argue against it. At some level, we think it’s true. We are convinced our value is rooted in our physical appearance. This, my friend, is why I’d argue against you getting a boob job.
Bigger Won’t Make Life Better
Now, don’t misunderstand me. This is an area of personal conviction.
If you can answer the question, “Do I know this won’t make me any happier?” with a resounding and honest “Yes.” Then, if you’ve got the money, the time, and no red lights from the Holy Spirit. Go for it.
And, if you’ve already had it done.
Please don’t feel condemned. No one (while wearing push-up bras, paying $300 at a hair appointment, or crash dieting) is judging you here!
But, if you are still considering it, I’d beg you for a solid answer as to why or how this could be the best use of your resources. I fear–ok, I know–it won’t bring you any added peace, joy or happiness, in the long run. (Gravity will get them eventually too. Or, in 12-14 years you’ll have to have them replaced. And, oh, yeah, life is but a vapor, remember?) Thus, I question the value of the investment.
My biggest concern, though is your heart.
What lies are you believing? The ones that tell you you would have a better life if your bosom were just a little fuller?
Are they the same lies that say life would be perfect if you weighed less, had shinier hair or if your thighs didn’t touch?
I think it would be really fun to have every naturally well-endowed woman to share with us how perfectly wonderful and struggle free her life is. Do you think the comments section would be filled with testimonies of big-busted women gushing that life is perfect when your (bra) cup runneth over?
I hate to be cynical…but, somehow, I doubt it. (Please feel free to prove me wrong.)
My friend, I don’t expect you to look in the mirror and “love your selfie.“ I don’t think it’s realistic for me to tell you to just “learn to love” your new size “A’s” when the pre-baby you was a solid “D.”
But, I do want you to know that your value isn’t located between your neck and your navel. I do want you to believe, truly believe, that confidence isn’t found in your cup size.
Root your value someplace lasting. You know where I’d recommend, in Jesus Christ. If you crave unconditional love and acceptance and indescribable value no matter what your size, he has it waiting for you.
(I share this story in my book Compared to Who? check it out here!)
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