Should You Wear a Swimsuit if You Don’t Like Your Body?
Mar 07, 2024
What if you don’t look how you want to look or weigh what you want to weigh? Should you still wear a swimsuit this summer if you don’t like your body?
This is a post I wrote for For Every Mom a great site, especially for Christian moms! You may be wondering: Is that me in a bathing suit. Uh. Um. Yes. It is. Was this easy for me to do? Uh, no. It was not.
But, here’s why I did it.
Although I don’t advocate for women to put swimsuit pictures of themselves online, like ever!! But my editor at For Every Mom thought it would be a tangible way to prove the point of my post, that we need to get over the pressure to look like a swimsuit model and enjoy the summer anyway. Jesus’ love for us doesn’t change based on our clothing size. And that’s where we need to derive our value, not from how great we look in a tankini.
Should you wear a swimsuit this summer?
I hope you’ll read the post below. If you need extra help getting ready for summer, remember that I do Christian body image coaching for women. I can help you improve your body image and get over that fear of swimwear.
Every year, I experience a rude disruption to my enjoyment of the pleasant spring weather. In April and early May I relish the time outdoors. I enjoy the warm sun, the blooming flowers, the singing birds. . .
Then, all of a sudden, serenity is disrupted. With an obnoxious: Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Memorial Day arrives to make this announcement:
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. This is the Emergency Broadcast System. We interrupt your delightful Spring to bring you this important announcement. Swimsuit season is coming in quickly from the South. Please prepare yourself appropriately or take immediate cover in an air- conditioned location. This is not a test. . .
Tired of fighting your body image issues alone? Do you know that you're "fearfully and wonderfully made," yet still feel like your body isn't good enough?
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