Spiritual Warfare, Healing Prayer, and Body Image Issues Part 1/2 [Podcast Transcript]

christian living podcast transcripts spiritual warfare Oct 08, 2024
hands with chains breaking with cross in between

Title: Spiritual Warfare, Healing Prayer, and Body Image Issues Part 1

Podcast Date: October 8, 2024

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Host Heather Creekmore is joined by special guests Keith and Megan Peeler for a compelling discussion on spiritual warfare and healing. Together, they dive into the often-overlooked aspects of spiritual life that affect our identity and beliefs.

Megan & Keith share about growing up in churches that focused on theology without much emphasis on the Holy Spirit. They share their own story of encountering the Holy Spirit in a new way and how becoming equipped for spiritual warfare became important to them and their ministry. They talk about how they help people understand the ways the enemy can oppress and affect the believer without possessing the believer. They also share how emotional trauma can evolve into spiritual wounds, affecting our core identity and beliefs. Keith and Megan, through their ministry called "Everfree" now do healing prayer with people to help them restore identity in Christ and heal these wounds. They share how this kind of prayer may feel unfamiliar, but doesn't have to look like the Exorcist movies from the 80s or be scary, loud, or dramatic in any way. 

In this part, Megan also shares how her recent journey with breast cancer affected her identity and brought on a new level of healing and deliverance for her. 

Whether you're looking to understand the spiritual roots of your struggles or seeking practical steps to walk closely with Jesus, today's episode is packed with wisdom and actionable insights. 

Learn more about Keith and Megan's ministry here: https://www.everfree.us/

Connect with Compared to Who? and find resources for body image healing and freedom here: https://www.improvebodyimage.com


00:00 The Peeler's Spiritual Background and Introduction

05:03 Understanding Spiritual Wounds

09:20 Understanding Spiritual Warfare

15:05 How Can I Recognize I’m Affected?

20:39 Identifying the Enemy's Deception

24:10 Attacked Intimacy, Damaged Identity 

The Peeler's Spiritual Background and Introduction

Heather Creekmore [00:00:04]:

Hey, friend. Heather Creekmore here. Could spiritual warfare be at play in your body image issues? Oh, what a question. I did a couple of episodes on this topic last year. And today, I'm gonna revisit this topic with 2 friends of mine, Keith and Megan Peeler, a married couple that has been praying healing prayers with folks for a long time. They're gonna explain kind of what they've seen related to spiritual warfare and body image issues, how the enemy does attack our identity, how not every thought or action we can blame on the devil, some of it is just our flesh, but how to tell the difference and really where to get started if spiritual oppression, which is a real thing, it's not the same as possession, but if spiritual oppression is a part of your body image struggle. So I think you're gonna really appreciate our interview today. 2nd part will be coming up later this week.


Heather Creekmore [00:01:09]:

Friend, do you need help with your body image issues? If so, what are you waiting for? Go grab my 40 day body image workbook, and then be ready to join us on January 7th when we go through it again with the 40 day journey. We're just finishing up taking a group of I think we had about 60 women walk through the 40 day journey with us. 2 different session times. We'll do the same thing in January. Just a great time of processing content together with accountability because, let's be honest, 40 days is a long time to do something by yourself. But then we come together and just encourage each other, ask questions. It's a great time. Plan on it, January 7th.


Heather Creekmore [00:01:49]:

Join us in the 40 day journey. Go grab the book now so you are ready. Let's get to today's show. Welcome to Compare To Who, the podcast to help you make peace with your body so you can savor God's rest and feel his love. If you're tired of fighting body image the world's way, compare to who is the show for you. You've likely heard lots of talk about loving your body, but my goal is different. Striving to fall in love with stretch marks and cellulite is a little silly to me. Instead, I want to encourage you and remind you with the truth of scripture that you are seen, you are known, and you are loved no matter what your size or shape.


Heather Creekmore [00:02:28]:

Here, the pressure is off. If you're looking for real talk, biblical encouragement, and regular reminders that God loves you and you're not alone, you've come to the right place. I hope you enjoy today's show, and, hey, tell a friend about it. Keith and Megan Peeler, welcome to the Compare To Who podcast.


Keith Peeler [00:02:48]:

Hey there.


Megan Peeler [00:02:50]:

Glad to be here.


Heather Creekmore [00:02:51]:

Great to see you. How long have we known each other? I was trying to think of this last night. Is it, like, 15 years maybe? 


Keith Peeler [00:03:00]:

Eric and I met at, like, a church planter deal right when he was first church planting, and I was starting in a role like that. And we connected. And then, yeah, for sure. Golly, it has been that long.


Heather Creekmore [00:03:12]:

And well, and instantly, we had the very most random thing in common that we both met our spouses on Eharmony. So that was a pretty cool connection as well. But, and you 2 are definitely just like for listeners and viewers, like, this is the most extroverted couple you will ever meet anywhere. Like, if there's an award for that, they have won it. Don't even try. They've taken it.


Heather Creekmore [00:03:46]:

No. We love you guys, and I am so excited to have you on the show because there's a topic that keeps coming up over and over again in the women I talk to. I mean, this is really kind of a core topic for women with body image and comparison issues, and that's identity. And you all have been praying with people dealing with, like, the spiritual warfare, spiritual need, spiritual issues around all of this for a long time. And so I'm excited today about having a conversation just about what you've observed in terms of the spiritual side of these identity issues and, you know, just to get some encouragement and hope and help from you all for the listeners and viewers, you know, that there is hope. They don't have to feel the way they feel forever. But I'd love to start off. Will you just tell us a little bit about what you guys do and, you know, I don't know.


Heather Creekmore [00:04:50]:

Maybe even how you guys got started in this, the abridged version, Keith. 


Keith Peeler [00:04:57]:

Yes. What are you saying I talk a lot, Heather?


Heather Creekmore [00:04:58]:

No. That's not what I'm saying. 


Keith Peeler [00:05:00]:

Are you saying I'm a storyteller? I don't know what to tell you.

Understanding Spiritual Wounds

Keith Peeler [00:05:03]:

Well, we have lots of stories, and we are storytellers, so that's a fair thing to ask. You know, the quick and dirty version, if you will, is we both come from what we would consider mainline denominational churches, good theology, good practical understanding of ministry. I was in ministry for a very long time serving a large church in Dallas, church we still partner with now with our current ministry, and they sent us out to become missionaries. So it was that church planting thing that Eric and I were part of. That was a “how do we do ministry outside the walls of the church?” was our call. And in that space, we had a very unusual encounter with some very significant spiritual things in our neighborhood that were quite shocking. The longer story is on our podcast, but literally a witch doctor showed up on our front porch. And it's a good Presbyterian slash Methodist background guy.


Keith Peeler [00:05:54]:

I was like, I'm sorry. What? What do we do now? And from that unusual encounter, our missions organization sent us to a training along with about 140 other missionaries to talk about spiritual warfare, spiritual realities, and how do you take a solid evangelical theological viewpoint and practical, nature of this issue? It's real. Like, if we reach like, it wasn't normal in my church, but when I read the Bible, I go, it's pretty normal there. Right. So that's the beginning. At that point, then, Megan and I prayed together. I don't know what part of that story you'd like to share.


Megan Peeler [00:06:34]:

Well, he went to a conference and went through a very powerful prayer experience where he experienced freedom, and he came home and blasted me and said, now you need freedom. You are all kinds of under bondage. I didn't take it very well. But I did have a hard story, a very hard difficult story, a hard journey. And I started reading all the books that Keith was reading. And as I did, the Lord has started revealing to me the enemy's work in my life. And as he did, I was like, okay, babe, I need help. We have to deal with this.


Megan Peeler [00:07:12]:

Yeah. So we both had very significant experiences with our healing and deliverance story.


Heather Creekmore [00:07:19]:

Yeah. Yeah. Thanks for sharing all that. You know, just for people who might be brand new to this whole concept.


Keith Peeler [00:07:26]:



Heather Creekmore [00:07:26]:

When you say freedom, I mean, I think there's some people that are like, oh, wait, they're kinda talking about spiritual stuff. Do they mean like being demon possessed? Like, what does that mean? Can we just kinda clarify? Give us some parameters around all that for the believer, for the Christian.


Keith Peeler [00:07:42]:

Absolutely. Yeah. Well, so


Megan Peeler [00:07:44]:

We get this question a lot.


Keith Peeler [00:07:47]:

So it's a great question because I think one of the things that we're highly aware of and coming of as an eighties kid, you know, The Exorcist movie was the quintessential, oh, my gosh. Can you believe? Right? We saw that movie and were terrified. And so you take that and then you take, in my experience, like a church that didn't normalize anything spiritual. It was theological and practical, but not very spiritual. I always say, our trinity was the father, the son, the holy scripture.


Keith Peeler [00:08:17]:

Don’t know what to do with the holy spirit, so let's just focus on the scriptures. And so, you know, in the space, the training was great, and they clarified, you know, what is this? How can this happen? And as a pastor, I didn't know that I was being as affected by spiritual warfare as I was, because it wasn't talked about. And so when we speak of it, what we're talking about freedom is acknowledging that, we have traumas, we have woundings, we have certain things that have happened to us that can create a wound that can fester. Okay? And so when we have wounds that fester emotionally, from trauma or whatever, they can also then become spiritual woundings, and we might then believe lies. The term of the identity question, it comes to our identity. If we're having abuse, it's an identity. If there's an early trauma, it can affect identity. How we understand our identity and self is really formed as children, and so these thought patterns when they become full blown brokenness, the enemy can use it against us.

Understanding Spiritual Warfare

Keith Peeler [00:09:20]:

So when we say people are being affected by spiritual warfare, we're talking about words that we use will be affected by evil. Torment is a word that we will use when people are under extreme scenarios. But it's really spiritual oppression.


Heather Creekmore [00:09:36]:



Keith Peeler [00:09:37]:

Possession is a word the Catholic church still uses. That's a different governmental structure there. We don't use that language. Possession to us implies a measure of control.


Keith Peeler [00:09:49]:

And what we understand is when we're filled with the Holy Spirit and we're Bible believing Christians, we are responsible for our actions. The Holy Spirit leads us and guides us, but the Holy Spirit isn't some magical cloud that keeps us from evil. Right? So then we have to deal with the reality that we're filled with the Holy Spirit, but then we can be affected by sin. We can be affected by tangent, you know, real evil. And so depending on the language, you know, we will talk about what that looks like. You know, dark angels is a phrase that can be used. Some people call it demons.


Keith Peeler [00:10:25]:

Some people call it, you know, evil manifestations. So the name, you know, that we kinda work with whoever we're working with to help people understand the concepts biblically. You know, Satan's called the prince of the air. So we have this idea that it's in the air around us. Conceptually, it's just been hard. It's been hard to kinda process and go, like, how do we make this make sense?


Heather Creekmore [00:10:48]:



Keith Peeler [00:10:48]:

And so the practical part of it is, we can be affected by the evil one. But if we understand our identity in Christ, that also leads us to understand that we have some measure of spiritual authority that Christ gives us. It's not our power. It's His authority to pray in His name. And when we understand that identity and understand the authority, we can understand that, okay, I can command evil to flee, and it has to listen.


Heather Creekmore [00:11:13]:



Keith Peeler [00:11:15]:

But where we end up working with people is the wounding, the traumas, the background stuff that haunts us, if you will. If those things are unattended, we then by either behavior or by sin pattern can invite that evil back. So the majority of our prayer ministry is about helping people find the inner healing pieces, ie. Inviting Jesus into our brokenness, the inner being, and by inviting Jesus into that process of prayer, we're focusing on Jesus.


Keith Peeler [00:11:47]:

And then if there's some evil on the way, we just kinda clean it up. And help the person. It's really we don't say we wanna do this for you in our prayer appointments. We say we wanna do this with you.


Keith Peeler [00:11:57]:

And we view our prayer appointments that we hold for people like a training opportunity as well. So we're getting prayed for and with and trained at the same time. Would you add anything?


Megan Peeler [00:12:07]:

I think they're discovering also that they can hear the voice of God. Because most people that come in, that's the number one line that they hear before they walk through the door. They're nervous. Scared about what we might open up, like, what will be cracked open. And also, am I even gonna hear anything? So we always say God is so gentle and he only will bring up what needs to be addressed today. We don't have an agenda. And this is going to be a very peaceful encounter.


Megan Peeler [00:12:34]:

I think social media, YouTube, all the things that are showing these massive deliverances are doing a disservice to the authority and the position that God gives us to operate in deliverance and peace to operate in love and care for the person.


Keith Peeler [00:12:53]:

So yeah. Unfortunately, I'm glad you brought that up because, unfortunately, right now we are seeing a lot on social media about deliverance ministry, and you'll see people rolling on the floor and screaming and yelling and all these things, and it looks very much like exorcists. So most churches are like, we're not doing that in our church. And I'm, like, we're not either. K? So, it to us has been this very normalizing experience that the biblical supernatural realities that were true when Jesus walked the earth are true today. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so is the enemy. 


Keith Peeler [00:13:28]:

Good news. Only a third of his angels fell, where he went. Right? And so it's really more about helping people process, how can it happen, how can I be equipped, how do I understand who I am, and how can I walk with Jesus in an intimate way that really helps me overcome whatever is bothering me? And, again, if it's evil, if it's a spiritual warfare thing, then we deal with that, but we don't allow any of that. It might be, you know, the definition of weird is something you haven't experienced before.


Heather Creekmore [00:13:59]:

So there could be weird. So it could be weird. Right?


Keith Peeler [00:14:03]:

Because it's new. But it doesn't have to be weird in the sense that, it's awkward.


Heather Creekmore [00:14:09]:



Keith Peeler [00:14:10]:

Or, you know, makes you feel a certain way or certainly, you know, allow a spectacle to happen.


Heather Creekmore [00:14:17]:

Yes. Yes. Well, and I've gone through it with you. And with my husband, and we've led it with other people. And I've led women through it. And, yeah, I mean, never had anyone rolling on the floor or vomiting into buckets or any of those things. So it is very peaceful, even though I think people are afraid going into it. Hey, let me back up just a second because, you know, I think when, when people hear you talk about affected, affected by, can we give that more meat? Can we give that some more, you know, specific language? Like, what would it, how would I know if I'm affected by?

How Can I Recognize I’m Affected?

Megan Peeler [00:15:05]:

Okay. So, when I was affected by a spirit of death, I was, I didn't know that I had partnered with it. But when I got pregnant out of wedlock as a Baptist girl, I was 23. And I had visual pictures of dying or the baby dying. I had a really hard season. And now looking back, I realized that it wasn't like I was suicidal, but I felt a lot of shame and a lot of guilt that kept my head down low. And I couldn't fully receive the grace of Jesus and His mercy and His love and His redemption for me until we addressed the issue.


Megan Peeler [00:15:52]:

And the issue and the pain and the trauma of what I experienced at 23 affected me all the way to the point of marriage when I married Keith. And when we got married, I still had shame. When I walked down the aisle with my daughter who's 4, I had shame. And so when we went through healing and deliverance and we addressed that shame that came in through the trauma of my pregnancy, I have never experienced the kind of freedom that came because Jesus showed up and he said, I love you. I am so proud of you. Look what I do with you.


Megan Peeler [00:16:27]:

You don't have to look back anymore. And I felt something physically happened through my whole body that released the shame and the guilt, and it just made me want to scream from a mountaintop “I'm free”. And I wanted everybody to know it.


Keith Peeler [00:16:43]:

Yeah. Yeah. Well, and to the issue, and I thought this would probably be something your audience will understand is, my core story was about pornography issues. And so for me, here I am a pastor and I had the software on the computer, I was doing all the things I was supposed to do, the pastors that were over me, I said, hey, you know, I'm gonna keep this in front of you, I'll share it with you if there's a problem. And so I had all the accountability, all the world, and the message was, well, just stop doing it. Well, if that were an effective method, I would have stopped doing it. Right? And so I had this compulsion, if you wanna take it to a stronger word, an addiction or just a it was like it would just overcome me.


Keith Peeler [00:17:24]:

And so then I'm at the conference. You know, we have this unusual witch doctor story, and I'm there like, oh, we're gonna learn about them. We're gonna learn about people that are those guys that are being affected. And then he says something in the training, like, oh, if you know anybody wrestling with pornography, that's almost always demonic in nature at its root. And then he said something like, and then, you know, it's kind of like, you know, if you're weeding your garden, you can snap the top off, but it's gonna come right back. You gotta get to the root in this prayer process. I'll teach you who's gonna do that, and when you clean up the roots and pull out the weeds, then you can command the evil to flee.


Keith Peeler [00:17:56]:

And I was like, what did he just say? Did he say I'm being affected by evil?


Keith Peeler [00:18:00]:

And so in, like, 15, 20 years of being a pastor and serving in churches, no one had even considered with me that it might be spiritual warfare as well as my behavior. Right. We have to be careful. Like, when we want people to hear very clearly, some people go, oh, you're just saying there's a devil behind every bush. Like, no, we're not, actually. But we are saying there's likely more devils behind bushes than you currently realize. So it's not let's look behind every bush. It's let's just pay attention that something might be there.


Keith Peeler [00:18:32]:

And so for me, when I had the prayer at the experience itself, Jesus was invited into my core memory. So that root for me was 4 years old. I got exposed to porn. And I had this image in my mind, and we just invited Jesus. Jesus, where were you when this happened? It's a visual prayer. Right? And I could imagine, the Holy Spirit showed me.


Keith Peeler [00:18:53]:

I mean, whatever words, I had an encounter. Right? A tangible encounter with Jesus, and he just he embraced me in that time and I felt like, oh my gosh. I can really give this to him now. So my theology was Jesus is a chain breaker.


Keith Peeler [00:19:08]:

But I had this chain. I'm like, break this chain breaker. Right? But once I had that tangible experience of prayer with Jesus and I felt tangibly his embrace, so to speak, then it took my theology, connected it with my human form, my feelings, and then my thinking went, I can now yield this to Jesus. Jesus heals my pain. He pulled the root out at the bottom, and I said, okay, whatever evil has been affecting me because of this root, leave. And I felt a release in my body. My shame was gone. My fear was gone. It, you know, we still had to process some things, and it didn't make me never look at porn again. It wasn't a, I'm sealed and delivered.


Keith Peeler [00:19:53]:

I'll never be tempted or ever. I mean, it wasn't a silver bullet. But it was a very tangible difference between what I had to think about changing my behavior, which is exhausting me


Keith Peeler [00:20:05]:

Versus yielding to Jesus and giving him this root pain and then taking on that Jesus, what truth do you wanna say to me about my sexuality? Because then we had to have conversations in our marriage about that too. That's a longer conversation for a different time. But the point of it is that's how I was being “affected by”. I was overcome at times with the temptation. The temptation is still there. I'm a man.


Keith Peeler [00:20:30]:

K? The temptation is still there, but I could not resist it at certain points. I can now resist it.

Identifying the Enemy's Deception

Keith Peeler [00:20:39]:

And so from that standpoint, it's more like recognizing, okay, the enemy can just add on to what we're doing. He cannot control us. Right? And so for me, it's like, okay, we're not saying the devil made me do it. But we are saying, no, he's not. But he can throw some fire. He can throw some wood on or some fuel on the fire of our regular sin patterns.


Keith Peeler [00:21:01]:

And when that happens, it's like, okay. Well, let's just separate his fire from the fuel.


Keith Peeler [00:21:07]:

And, oh, spirit, you know, show me where the fuel is coming from. And in that discernment with the Lord, there's better protection and peace and conversation that can come with that, but it's never a control issue. Right? It's really just acknowledging the reality of how spiritual things happen in this world.


Heather Creekmore [00:21:23]:

Yeah. So would you, is it fair to say that if you've got something in your life, pornography, because that's a problem for women as well. But if you've got something in your life you just can't seem to overcome and you're, I’m gonna call it “white knuckling” it. You know, I'm gonna change the behavior. I'm gonna change the behavior. I'm gonna do it. This time I'm gonna do it.


Heather Creekmore [00:21:42]:

Like, you know, I was at church and I was like really revved up and, you know, this time I'm gonna do it.


Keith Peeler [00:21:47]:



Heather Creekmore [00:21:47]:

And then you can't do it. Like, oh, right back. Like, is it fair to say that whenever you're encountering that, like, it's worth at least investigating as to whether or not there's some sort of spiritual issue there?


Megan Peeler [00:22:00]:

And it's really hard to do on your own. If you're white knuckling something that you've been in the cycle of spinning. And you're spinning, it's very helpful to have someone else come in and listen with you. But most likely, it's the enemy messing with you. And if you don't know that that's what it is, you most likely will stay in the spin cycle.


Heather Creekmore [00:22:22]:

And I think Meghan, maybe even more so, right, it's because the enemy doesn't want to be seen. Right? He's hiding. Right? Like, he's fooling us. Right?


Megan Peeler [00:22:32]:

Yeah. We say often he is masking himself, and it's like when you're driving down the road and you have this negative thought in your head, and it's like, you really suck. Like, there's no point in you going to that meeting right now. You were gonna do terrible. Is that me or is that the enemy? And how do you discern that? When we sit with people in prayer appointments, that's what we're doing. We're listening with them and we're empowering them to ask that question. Is this you or is this the enemy? We know it's not the Father.


Megan Peeler [00:23:06]:

Because what Jesus does honors and blesses and loves us and speaks to us in a way that's compassionate. But if the enemy is just pushing us down, well, then what do you do about it? So that's what we're doing with people when we're listening.


Heather Creekmore [00:23:21]:

Is it ever just me?


Megan Peeler [00:23:23]:

Yeah. Absolutely. It's both.


Keith Peeler [00:23:25]:

I mean, my sin's broken. I mean, my flesh is broken enough as it is.


Megan Peeler [00:23:28]:

We are human.


Keith Peeler [00:23:29]:

We're human. And what will happen is the enemy will take advantage of that. I mean, it's the whispering snake. Right? I mean, Adam and Eve. We talk about this all the time. You know, they were naked and unashamed in the garden, but the whispering snake.


Keith Peeler [00:23:48]:

And she was curious enough. It just took a whisper. Right? And so from that standpoint, there's evil involved in the broken world. But our flesh, because of that decision, is broken. And so in that, our job is to then, how do we become intimate with God? Because the Garden of Eden was a picture of intimacy.

Attacked Intimacy, Damaged Identity

Keith Peeler [00:24:10]:

And the majority of the things that end up harming us is some sort of attack on our identity through some form of intimacy. So it's either between a mom and a dad and their lack of intimacy that affects a child or for me, porn at 4. That was an intimacy issue that was invaded. Right? I didn't ask for that. And then when it affects us that way it's the enemy adding to the human experience to amp it up and so yes it is sometimes just us. They go, I got angry.


Keith Peeler [00:24:42]:

I spoke badly to my family. I need to apologize. No demons involved. That was just Keith.


Heather Creekmore [00:24:49]:

That one's all Keith. What do you see so, like, what would the manifestation, if you will? Oh, I don't really like that word. There's a better word. But what would the effectiveness look like? Is it that constant, like, nagging obsession, the voices in your head? Like, are there some ways that you've seen that play out specific to these issues?


Megan Peeler [00:25:16]:

Yeah. And honestly, it creates a presence of hopelessness. Because it's what's the point? I'm not gonna get out from under this. I've ministered to some twins.


Megan Peeler [00:25:27]:

And to speak to one of the twin versus the other twin and the comparison thing that happens causes identity to be messed with. If a mother is very adamant that you look a certain way, you dress a certain way, and you never amount to that. For me, back in 2020, I went through breast cancer and I had my body altered. And so I had a disconnection that happened with my body that caused some issues. And so I have had to work through my own identity. And it's wreaked havoc on my body, hormonally, physically, emotionally.


Megan Peeler [00:26:07]:

And I've had to almost relearn over the last 5 years, 4 years, what it's like to believe that my identity is in Christ and that where the enemies tried to steal and push me down, I've had to grapple up, like climbing up a wall to get to that freedom. And I think there's hope for the women that feel that beat down with their bodies and their identity. But it really does take sitting with the Lord and having him show show me what what's actually going on and surrendering it. 


Keith Peeler [00:26:47]:

Yeah. And we talk about this as in the process of, you know, peeling back layers of an onion. Yes. Right? I mean, what I wish we could do because people ask us this all the time and I want it for me too is have this silver bullet prayer. Well, if I just pray through this and I pray and I do this thing and I do that thing, it covers my bases and I'm good. Like I'll get, like, healed and delivered and all the good things.


Keith Peeler [00:27:09]:

And because there's so many layers of our personality and things like that, and and, you know, Megan has done an incredible job walking through a lot of body image stuff, And we've had to pray about it and talk about it as a couple. And, as much as I've hated the cancer coming, and I, you know, I was trying to pray it out of her body and trusting in miracles and all kinds of things, but walking through the journey has given us so much opportunity to minister. And somebody said this to us and I didn't understand it then. They said, you know, Keith, I wouldn't wish cancer on anybody, but I wouldn't give back my journey because of what I've learned. And I thought you must be nuts. There's nothing good coming from this. Right?


Keith Peeler [00:27:50]:

But now, 4 years later, I can say the same thing. I still wish it didn't happen. But the richness of what we, by trusting in Christ, and because we had these prayer tools, learning how to be intimate in prayer and then acknowledging the reality of the evil one in prayer. The journey was very difficult but manageable, and we said many times, I just don't know how people can do this without Jesus, number 1. Right. Yeah. And number 2, without some healthy prayer tools in their life. And so that's part of our heart is to multiply these tools and give them away.


Megan Peeler [00:28:28]:

And, you know, the other thing that some women might do is curse their bodies. My body has failed me, so I am angry at it. Yeah. Or disconnect from their body. Like, I would say things like this thing this thing. Like, I would literally address my body like it wasn't my own.


Heather Creekmore [00:28:47]:



Megan Peeler [00:28:47]:

And my dear friend called me out on it.


Megan Peeler [00:28:51]:

She knows she's you know, you just disassociated from your body. I'm like, oh, my goodness. I'm in the business of healing and deliverance, and I'm doing exactly what I teach people not to do. And so it I mean, this was not that long ago. So he's continually bringing me back into full alignment with my mind, my body, my soul, and my spirit.


Megan Peeler [00:29:13]:

And all of those areas of our lives are complex. But they can come into alignment with the father's design for us. We just have to submit every area of our life to that.


Heather Creekmore [00:29:25]:

Yeah. Thanks for sharing that story. I mean, I know that was a really difficult thing for you both to walk through. Hey. Come back next time. I'm gonna continue this conversation with Keith and Megan. You'll get to hear the second part of the interview on the next show this Friday where we get into the hope. What does it look like to find freedom in this area? You're gonna really appreciate and be encouraged by that second part of the interview.


Heather Creekmore [00:29:51]:

Check that out on Friday. Hey. I'm glad you're here. I hope something helps you stop comparing and start living.

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