Stop Striving to be More Beautiful the World's Way
Mar 07, 2024
Here’s a great shareable image to encourage you and your friends today! Pin it, post it, or forward it to a friend who needs the reminder that her value is not found in her size. You’d be amazed how many women woke up struggling with their body image this morning. Who can you encourage today?
You don’t have to keep striving to be more beautiful the world’s way.
You are valuable.
You are accepted.
You are loved.
Because of Jesus.
Not your measurements.
Not your weight.
Not your reflection in the mirror.
Need more help for your body image issues?
Are you ready to feel better about your body? Read these great body image work books by Heather Creekmore about body image and comparison.
Ready for personalized help for your body image issues? Consider one-on-one Christian body image coaching.
Tired of fighting your body image issues alone? Do you know that you're "fearfully and wonderfully made," yet still feel like your body isn't good enough?
Sign up here for weekly encouragement and take the 5-Day Body Image Challenge!