Are you ready to be free? Does this sound like you?

You've tried all the diets and felt the frustration of life spent "on plan" or "off plan." You're tired of mustering up the willpower to start a new plan every Monday only to feel like a failure when it doesn't work into your real life on Friday. Maybe you've even said this, "Nothing works anyway, so why bother? I'll never change." Trying to fix body image issues is exhausting.

You've heard that it's what's on the inside that counts. Maybe you even know what the Bible says about your value. You truly believe God cares more about your heart than your dress size, yet, you just can't get that truth to penetrate your life in a way that feels safe enough to affect how you live. Why does it seem so easy for others and so hard for me?

You feel like you should be "over" this by now. Maybe you've done counseling. Or, maybe you've reached the age where you thought body image issues would magically disappear. Are you frustrated that you're still struggling even after working on these issues? It's as if there's some secret combination to unlock freedom, but you can't seem to find it.
Have you tried everything? You are not alone.
Does it feel like you've tried everything to fix your body image issues? You've done the diets, you've followed the food plans . . .maybe you've worked out until you've burnt out, or you've taken the pills and drank the potions, all with the promise that a better body was just a few months or weeks away.
All with the promise that as soon as you fix your body, your body image issues will disappear.
Or, maybe you've read all the books and tried to be "positive." You've stared in the mirror to find something you love while chanting "I'm good enough." There are so many ways our culture tells us to fix our body image issues. It's exhausting.
And most of them don't work.
If you're a Christian woman who has tried everything to fix her body image issues, know that you are not alone.
The Body Image Freedom Framework was designed for you! We'll spend 12 weeks together unpacking the spiritual roots of your body image issues to set you on a new path to body image freedom. This course doesn't teach you to love cellulite. There are no Jedi mind tricks or New Age positivity mantras. Instead, we'll dig below the surface, to find out why you're really stuck fighting this body image battle.
Scripture says we don't wrestle flesh and blood. (Ephesians 6:12) The same is true for our body image issues. Through this course, you'll learn how to fight this battle for what it is: a spiritual battle. Then you'll be free to embrace the life God has for you!
Imagine if you could...

Stop thinking or obsessing about your body and food all the time.
If thoughts of body change consume you, what would it feel like to reclaim all that time and energy? How would it feel to walk into a room and not fear what others think of you? What would it be like to plan events on the calendar without thinking about how much weight you need to lose or how you need to change your body before that date. Body image freedom means you can spend more time living, and less time worrying.

Release shame and feel comfortable in your own skin.
Body shame keeps us from many of life's greatest joys. Whether it's a fear of intimacy in marriage, a reluctance to get involved with community, or hesitancy to take a leadership role, how we feel about our bodies affects our relationships, work, and our spiritual growth. Freedom leads to improved marriages, friendships, and your relationship with God. Plus, you may find yourself feeling more confident at work or in volunteer activities.

Smile and enjoy your life today, no matter what your body looks like.
Life doesn't begin when you reach your body transformation goals. Live it now! It is possible to feel comfortable in your skin even if you don't look or weigh what you wish you did! Body image freedom means you'll have confidence that is rooted in how God made you and who He made you to be. This frees you from pleasing the scale or the mirror. It's not about body pride or "loving what you got," true body image freedom is about seeing yourself and this world through a different lens.

If you're a Christian woman who is tired of battling her body image (and her body), it's time to lay down those old weapons and fight this battle in a new way.
This 12-week body image freedom course is designed to walk you through the key issues surrounding what keeps us spiritually stuck obsessing, worrying, and stressing over our appearance and weight.
Every week, you'll open a new module with teaching, supplemental sermons, hands-on activities, journaling exercises, and more. Work at your own pace through the content. If you decide you need more support, you can always choose to add group coaching or individual coaching sessions as you go. These are offered at a reduced rate to those who take the course. Or, save even more by bundling your course with coaching from the beginning!
Yes, I Want This!You will discover how to...

If you've ever felt frustrated by what you see staring back at you from the mirror, know that you're not alone. Though we may have learned in church that we're "fearfully and wonderfully made," many Christian women still struggle with body image. In this course, we'll talk about why we get stuck and have a hard time believing that God made our bodies good.

If you're constantly obsessing over your weight, this course is for you. We'll talk about where and why we feel so passionate about that number on the scale and discuss strategies to breaking free from the scale's grip. If the number on that box determines your mood or how you feel about your day, it's time to break free!
Let's face it: Aging is a reality of life that makes most of us uncomfortable. Though body changes are normal parts of aging, that doesn't make them easier to swallow. We'll dig in to the beliefs we hold around aging and body change, where they come from, and how we can make peace with our aging bodies . . . Whether you're twenty-five or seventy-five-these principles will work for you!

We have 60-70,000 thoughts a day and for many women it feels like most of these are about food, body, appearance, size, or other body image related subjects. If you're tired of obsessing and ready to get the mental space back to think about other things, this course is for you.

There are many courses out there to help you feel better about your body. But, changing how you "feel" is a temporary solution. In the Body Image Freedom Framework, we're going to work on changing your heart, challenging what you believe and how that influences both your heart and your actions. Using biblically-based teachings, we'll apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ to your body image issues so you can find freedom that lasts.

Our goal is freedom for life. Through this course you'll get the tools you need to keep going in your body image freedom journey. Bodies change as we age. Which means you'll face new or different body image struggles years or decades from now. The goal of the course is to give you the tools you need to be prepared to fight well, no matter what comes your way.

I was stuck in body image bondage for decades.
Now, I want to help you feel more confident and peaceful about your body.
Hi! I'm Christian body image coach, Heather Creekmore. I've learned that body image freedom is about so much more than mirrors or scales, it's about what digging in to our core beliefs about beauty, value, and where worth really comes from. As your coach, I want to help you re-frame the way you see yourself, your purpose, and your body. Using the lens of scripture as our guide, we'll journey to a land that may feel unfamiliar: the land of Christ-centered confidence. I can tell you first-hand, there's no better way to live. If you're tired of stressing over your weight or appearance, I get it. I know you're afraid that this won't work because nothing has worked before. But, I promise you, this time will be different.
Here is the breakdown...
Take a look at the first 6 (of the 12) modules of the course!

It's time to forge a new trail.
It's time to see how and why the ways you've been trying to break free from body image issues haven't been working. We take a quick look back at what we've tried before forging ahead on to a new path to body image freedom.

Jesus doesn't sell cellulite cream.
This unit explores the impact that culture's messages have had on our body image (even in the church). We explore why we care so much about our appearance or weight and how difficult it is to feel our true worth in Christ.

The "My Truth" Trap
Are you hung up on what you think of yourself and your appearance, even when others say you look fine (or good!)? This is the "my truth" trap. We'll explore how to believe God's truth over culture's version of truth and even our own personal "truth."

What is True?
The truth of scripture about our worth, identity, value, and even our relationship with food has been conflated with the messages of culture in a confusing way. We dig deep into scripture to find out what God's word really says and how we can believe it.

Fixing What's Really Broken
At the core of body image issues isn't a flawed body, it's a broken identity. This unit begins the process of re-building an identity in Christ that can withstand all the ways our bodies can and will change.

You're More Than an Image
This unit explores our challenge with images and idols and how they keep us spiritually stuck in a place where it's difficult to accept or make peace with our bodies.
Plus you get these Bonuses

What do I do about food? This bonus teaching will help you navigate how to get off the on-again, off-again, dieting roller coaster so you can have a healthier relationship with food.

What to do when your body betrays you. What happens when you face sickness or disease that changes your body forever? This bonus book chapter will help you navigate seasons where it feels like you're fighting your body.

Helping your children with body image issues. This bonus teaching will encourage parents who want to help their sons and daughters grow up with a Christ-centered healthy body image.
Here's Why You'll Love This Program

Authentic Talk
We won't sugarcoat the issues. Through the modules, Heather shoots it straight and tackles these issues authentically, without shame or condemnation for the secret ways we ALL struggle.

Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is almost guaranteed to happen through each module's assignments and teaching. This is foundational to the healing process. Every lesson Heather teaches has a spiritual component to it, backed by biblical principles. Plus, you'll be encouraged to listen to other sermons and podcasts that teach God's truth without added fluff.

Heal in a Safe Space
Many body image courses rely on new age or worldly philosophies to help you overcome what's 'dragging you down.' The Body Image Freedom Framework will challenge you to think biblically about your body image struggles and will draw you closer to Jesus as you complete each module.

Connect with Scripture
Each module includes scripture for you to read and even worship song suggestions to keep you connected to the Word and growing closer to God as you work through these issues.

This is For You if:
- You're a Christian woman between the ages of 22-102 and struggle with body image issues.
- You have more than 3 negative thoughts about your body per day.
- You tend to compare yourself to other women and then determine to change to "keep up."
- You are a Christian woman who desires to grow in her walk with Jesus while healing these issues.
This is NOT For You if:
- You've never thought about how your body looks or tried to change it.
- You've never compared yourself to others.
- You'd rather keep trying new diets hoping one of them will work and fix your body image too.
- You'd rather just keep pretending you don't have body image issues.
- You are currently struggling with a diagnosed eating disorder and not getting treatment.

I love my Christian counselor but working with Heather changed my life. The teaching in her course both challenged and changed me. I'm learning how to feel more comfortable in my body and with food, and, PRAISE God, I've stopped obsessing. This freedom feels amazing.

Heather is a real woman who openly, honestly, and humorously shares her struggles with body issues and helps find path to overcome them. I rated my struggles as a “1”on a scale of 1-to-10 (awful) at the beginning of our session. After our time together I feel like I’m a “7” or even an “8”, on my way to freedom."

"My husband can see the difference. He said it’s like I’m finally able to relax and just be me. What a gift to our marriage.
This is one of the few times I’ve paid for a program and I’m fully satisfied. I’m pleasantly surprised and encouraged by the work we’ve done.”
How much time does it take each week?
What are the modules like?
How does group coaching work with the course?
How do I get personalized help?
What if I get behind in the course?
What if it doesn't work for me?
Watch Heather tell you more about the goals of this program.
You only get one life. Do you really want to spend it stressing over your body?
One life. That's all we get. Time is the most precious commodity. If you're tired of wasting your time stressing or obsessing over the scale or the mirror, you can be free. It's never too late or too early to find a healthier way to think about and relate to your body.
Heather has Been Featured On Dozens of Podcasts and Publications Including:

The time to get free is now.
Seriously. Why wait? The joy, peace, and rest you seek won't come from reaching the right number on the scale or from getting "work" done to fix what you don't like about your body. You can feel better about your body. You can feel good in your own skin. Why put it off? It's time to stop letting body image issues bog you down and start living the life God has planned for you!
I know the struggle. It's real.
Let me walk with you on the path to freedom.
I'm type A. So getting help for my body image issues seemed ridiculous. Surely I could do it on my own. Everyone said I was strong. I worked hard at everything I tried. And, I knew the Bible.
Have you thought this too? Perhaps you've thought that getting help for your body image issues isn't really that important. After all, you've lived with them for so long . . . does it really matter?
But, friend, it does.
The freedom I want to show you will affect so much more than how you see your body. My former clients rave about how once they started to find healing for their body issues, it literally impacted every other area of their lives.
You can be free from comparing yourself to others. You can be free from the stress of what body image issues do to your social life, your dating life, your marriage, parenting, or your work life.
If you're not sure if this is right for you, let's talk. Grab a ten- minute consult call by clicking here so I can answer your questions or tell you more.

Don't spend next month, next year, or next decade so consumed with changing your body that you miss out on your life.
Family photos. Beach trips. Holiday parties. Children's milestones. Honeymoons. Vacations. Weekends. Tuesdays. What precious time have you lost because you've been trying to get into the size or "fix" your body? What memories have been missed? What relationships were impacted because you didn't have the confidence to engage? What did you say "no" to because your body doesn't look like you want it to? We don't age out of body image issues. (In fact, sometimes they get worse with aging!) If you want to be free, you have to take action. What is holding you back?
Body Image Freedom Framework Online Course Only
3 monthly payments or save by making one payment of $379
Start For $129/month Now!