February Resource Kit

Help for Your Body Image Battles in MARRIAGE

 Beginner Resources:

For Those Just Starting a Body Image and Food Freedom Journey

Going Deeper:

Bible-Based Resources to Go Deeper on Your Body Image and Food Freedom Journey

February Marriage Focused Podcast Episodes for Christian Women

Body Image, Sex, and the Toughest Questions Christian Wives Ask!

Heather consults with Dr. Juli Slattery to address some of your toughest questions about body image issues, marriage, and sex.

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Does Your Husband Have a Hard Time Understanding Your Body Image or Food Issues?

Heather takes the time to address the most common scenarios in a marriage where the husband has difficulty relating to his wife's body image issues. She offers helpful answers for the man who doesn't know where to start when trying to help his wife.

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Get His Attention Without Changing Your Body!

Have you believed the lie that if you looked better, your marriage would be better? Have you fallen prey to the marketers who tell you that you'll capture your husband's attention if you just lose some weight or get some surgery?

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what to do if you don't feel loved christian podcast episode

What To Do When You're Struggling to Feel Loved

Especially at Valentine's Day, it can be hard to feel like someone loves us enough unless they are doing all the things that culture says they should be doing to show their love. But is that what love is really about?

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why is my christian husband looking at porn help

Help! Why Does My Christian Husband Look at Porn?

Rosie Makinney of Fight For Love Ministries joins Heather today for a candid conversation about lust and pornography issues and how they affect marriages and a woman's body image issues..

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my christian husband looks at porn how do we heal healing from porn addiction

My Christian Husband Looks at Porn: How Do We Heal?

In today's episode, Heather and Rosie continue their talk about control issues, the idol of sex, and what to do if you're dating someone who has confessed to a problem with pornography.

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