Looking for a Christian woman to speak about body image, comparison, and insecurity?Â

Heather has several years of on-air experience and is available to speak on the topic of body image or other topics relating to comparison, marriage and motherhood. She is also available for interviews about her books: The 40-Day Body Image Workbook, Aging Gratefully, The Burden of Better: How a Comparison-Free Life Leads to Joy, Peace, and Rest, or Compared to Who?
Heather is an exuberant and energetic guest who speaks on a wide variety of topics ranging from comparison, women and body image, body image and the church, and helping your children with body image. She’s a savvy guest who can adapt to meet your interview or segment needs.
Watch Heather’s interview on Morning Dose or check out her appearance on the Revive Our Hearts ministries show, Grounded (22:00).Â
You may recognize Heather from her appearance as a contestant on Netflix’s hit show Nailed It! — a baking show for failed bakers. Heather is the first contestant in episode one, season one.
 Listen to Heather's interview on one of these amazing podcasts:
Media Kit
Heather Creekmore Bio
Heather Creekmore writes and speaks hope to thousands of women each week inspiring them to stop comparing and start living. She’s host of the Compared to Who? podcast and the author of four books including The 40-Day Body Image Workbook: Hope for Christian Women Who’ve Tried Everything and Aging Gratefully a new devotional on aging for women in midlife. Heather has been featured on Fox News, Huff Post, Morning Dose, Church Leaders, For Every Mom, and dozens of other shows and podcasts. But she's best recognized from her appearance as a contestant on the Netflix hit show, Nailed It. Heather and her fighter-pilot-turned-pastor husband, Eric have four children and live in Austin, Texas. Connect with Heather at: www.improvebodyimage.com
Fun Facts About Heather
- Heather is an east coast native turned Texan.Â
- Heather's happy place is the beach.
- Heather loves shopping the clearance racks.
- Heather holds a Master's degree in public policy with a concentration in Political Management.
- Heather always wanted to be a news anchor.
- Dark chocolate is her love language.
- Heather has homeschooled for more than a decade.
Heather's Unique Approach to Body Image, Comparison, and Food Issues
I approach issues of body image and comparison from a slightly different angle than many. Raised in the church and Christian schools (through graduate school), I knew all the scripture about how God made my body good, that I was created in his image, and that I was fearfully and wonderfully made. I believed that God looked at my heart (1 Samuel), but I was stuck in my concern over what others would think about my body. Intellectually, I knew the truth--but I couldn't make my heart believe that my insides were more important than my physical appearance.
I spent more than 20 years wrestling (undiagnosed) Body Dysmorphic Disorder, disordered eating (EDNOS-Eating Disorder Not Otherwised Specificed) and insecurity. I thought I could fix it by becoming a fitness instructor. I believed it would magically go away when I reached my goal weight. Marriage, children, career success . . .none of these things could distract me from my non-stop thoughts about changing my body. I'd tried every diet and exercise, but nothing could satisfy. I never arrived at a place where I felt good enough in my skin.
But, God . . .in his grace, he showed me where I was stuck. My problem was a body image idol. I believed that a better body would save me and bring me everything I longed for--love, acceptance, joy, peace, contentment. I didn't realize it at the time--but I had replaced a true salvation I had in Christ for the vain promises of an idol. It was so subtle, I didn't know I was doing it. Yet when God opened my eyes to the reality of what my heart was really worshipping everything changed. I found freedom I didn't even know was possible. Obsessive thoughts stopped. I was able to see all the lies I had believed and finally my ears were open to hearing and understanding God's truth about my value.
As the author of four books and a body image coach, I cherish the opportunity to help women find freedom in the same way I did. For this reason, I focus on helping women identify the body image idol and break free. I do believe that our bodies are good. I do believe we are made in God's image and that alone gives us tremendous value. But my main message is to help women (and some men too) discover where they are stuck. In my experience, messages of body positivity keep the focus on self-love and body love-which feeds this idol. I encourage women to take their eyes off of their thighs and find freedom through a greater understanding of the reality that their body is not where their value is derived. I want all women to know they were made for a purpose much more important than looking good in a bikini. It's a joy to help women taste freedom and see that they have already been given everything they need, physically, to accomplish God's purpose for their lives.
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