Where do I start?

Ready for a new view of you but aren't sure where to begin? Here's where to start!

Give the book 40 days, and watch your body image transform!

Let's face it, no one enjoys being bogged down with body image issues. Especially as Christian women, we know we're supposed to live in the freedom Christ promised. Join the 40 Day Journey and work through Heather's new Body Image Workbook and start your journey to freedom!

Join the 40-Day Journey

Discover Other Resources

Heather has books, You Version Bible reading plans, coaching, and an online course available to help you journey deeper into your body image and food issues and find freedom in Christ.

Start with the 40-Day Journey!

Learn more about the online course & coaching program.

Learn more about Heather's books or start reading the first few chapters of each for free.

Learn about Heather's free YouVersion, the Bible app, reading plans.

Get Help for Your Heart

If your heart is hurting over body image issues, low self-worth, despair over what you look like or your size, or frustration over being unable to "fix" your appearance, you are in the right place. Here are some things that can help you today.

What to Do When You Feel Depressed About Your Body

4 Things to Do in a Bad Body Image Day, Week or Season

Help My Husband Hates My Body

Daily Prayers for Your Body Image

Reach out to Heather & the Team

Join the thousands of women who've decided to get off the treadmill of constant body stress and comparison.

Ready to stop comparing and start living? Let's connect.

Listen to Intuitive Eating Coaching Calls

Heather's journey started with body image freedom, but then God led her to a new way of relating to food and eating. She's received some help along the way from her friends at the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast. Listen to some of their best calls here.

Why Give Up the Diet Mentality?

Why Am I Always Tired?

What Do I Do About My Mindless Eating?

Don't I Need More Discipline Around Food?

Are You Afraid of Satisfaction? 

Still Trying Not to Eat?


Listen to Podcast Episodes that Apply Scripture to Body Image Issues

Perhaps you already know that you're fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139) and that God cares more about your heart than your jeans' size. Yet, you still struggle with body image. Does scripture have any more lessons you can apply to your struggle? Yes! It does! Here are some places to start.

Can Philippians 4:13 Be My Weight Loss Inspiration Verse?

Colossians 2 and Food Rules

Matthew 6:25-34 and Body Image Fear

Is Self Love Biblical?

What the Gospel Speaks to Our Body Image Issues

Daniel Fasts, Sugar Fasts, and the Biblical Truth Around Fasting

Romans 9: God's Sovereignty and Your Body

What the Bible Really Says About Gluttony

Is Self Control Really the Answer to Our Food Issues? Featuring Amy Carlson, RD

Spiritual Warfare and Body Image Issues


"Connecting with Heather and the ministry of Compared to Who? has changed my life in every way. I was stuck in bondage to food and diets and exercise and everything I could find to fix my body. Nothing worked. I thought I was stewarding my body well for God. Now I see that nothing about my journey or my struggle was healthy. I feel closer to God, now, and feel freer to pursue what he has for me."


Are You Tired?

If so . . . we get it.

Are you tired of always fixating over or "fixing" your body? Do you believe that your body image issues will just go away as soon as you get the body you've been longing for? Or, maybe you've been struggling and striving for decades to get your body "right" and now you've realized nothing you're doing is actually helping you feel better about the way you look. No matter where you're at on your body image journey, Compared to Who? is here for you. 

Life is too short to waste obsessing over your body and food. It's time to get off the "better body" roller-coaster and find spiritual, physical, and mental health. 

Start with the 5-Day Body Image Challenge. Unsubscribe at any time.

Join Us on YouTube

Are you on YouTube and looking for encouraging content? Subscribe to Compared to Who? on YouTube and find encouraging podcast episodes, watch Heather's interviews with other YouTube shows and podcast, and more!

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Want a free, 15-day, printable devotional booklet to help improve your body image? Learn more by clicking below.

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